Thursday, October 6, 2011

A thought for Thursday...

I am trying to start something here...well, OK, I am trying to make some major overhauls in our little life right now.  So I think I need to say some of it out loud so I am held accountable for it all.

1.) Starting the day off on the right foot.  Almost literally!  I NEED to go back to starting my day at the gym.  I need to have breakfast and lunches ready for the next morning.  I need to have clothes, back packs, shoes and jackets set to just be put on.  'Cause I have slacked on this for 2 weeks now and it is super stressful for this Mama.

2.) I am writing this blog to keep in better touch with family and friends that are not here for the everyday things. So I NEED to write on it more.  I need to write my grandmother more frequently too!  I should get back in the habit of sending birthday cards to the people I love too! ( I used to do that religiously, b3k..before 3 kids).

3.) I MUST find my zen, my patience, my chi.  So I am NOT the crazy yelling mama that I am turning into.  I find myself yelling at the kids out of frustration or lecturing when they are just kids.  It is my job to teach them, mold them into caring and loving individuals.  Instead lately the only thing I feel I am teaching them is how to yell at each other or at me and Seann.

So these are the 3 things I am going to work on.  My 3 thoughts for this Thursday.  3 little things I can work on to better myself and my 3 little ones!

1 comment:

  1. It's easiest to start small, mama. When I think about how many things I want to change, I get totally overwhelmed so three? Totally manageable. ;)

    Thanks for linking up! Psyched you're blogging!
