Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall decorating

Oh my goodness!  My kids are super excited about Halloween.  So much so they did homework!
Yup you read correctly, they did homework last night.
They have homework most nights but last night they decided to work a few days ahead.


Because they have been begging to decorate the house for Halloween.  And with our weekends full of baseball, errands, chores and family time we haven't gotten a chance.
So the homework work a head was key for them to be able to decorate this evening after Irish dance.  And it is going to be a perfect evening for it.  A cool crisp evening.  I see their favorite dinner, hot chocolate, maybe even a fire while we hang up all the spooky crafts they have made over the years, all the ghosts and spiders they have picked out, all the webs and maybe even some spooky music.

They can't wait till they receive the magic package from Gram that will hold their costumes for this year.  My Mom volunteered to sew their costumes.  I can't wait to see them either.  We have another family theme going on.  Last year it was Star Wars, this year it will the Wizard of OZ.  I can't wait!
I see us watching the movie SOON, maybe even this evening!

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