So 3 weeks ago was the kick off for Sunday School at our church. I got the e-mail and started thinking...
1.) about my relationship with God and how it's been, well...almost non-existent except to pray a quick prayer for loved ones and friends in need. :-(
2.) it has been about 9 months since my last trip to church (not including my trip to Ohio).
3.) how I miss that part of me.
4.) what am I teaching my kids?
5.) how do I go back?
6.) how do I get my kids WANT to be there, to appreciate the community, to love learning about God, and figure out their own relationships with God?
So I sat down with the kids to figure out if we were ready. Then the words came out of Colin's mouth that I NEVER thought I would hear...
Colin: "It's boring and I don't know."
Me: "Don't know what?"
Colin: "Well if there is a God, and the bible???"
Me: "What?"
Colin: "I mean, I think there is a God...but the bible??? I don't know what it's about"
Me: " Well that's why we go to church and Sunday School, to learn, to question, to decide for ourselves what our beliefs are."
Colin: "oh...(long pause) well then I guess we should go"
My heart skipped a lil beat. Next was to ask Daddy to get on board. Seann is not into the whole community of religion. We differ in that way. Seann likes to explore the history of religions and how each one differs. He keeps his beliefs simple (do unto others) and he emulates that for our children. Me, I like knowing there is a group of people I can surround myself who can help me with the hard questions, lift me up and bend God's ear when I need a little help. Maybe because I lived it for so many years. Here's another real lil tidbit about me...I AM A PK, aka preacher's kid. I grew up in the churches my father served and each one of them hold huge milestones and places in my heart. I ran around the sanctuaries when they were empty and played hide n' go seek with my brothers. We raced to eat the left over communion bread and fought over who would get to light the candles at the beginning of service if the acolyte didn't show. I spent time in each choir loft and at each organ. I also went with my Dad to see the new babies, the sick, the members who were having surgeries and those that were dying. I learned to be compassionate, forgiving and understanding. I learned to accept life and death as everyday things. I learned that everyone is equal in the eyes of God and I am just as beloved as anyone else. I learned that God is spirit and God is everywhere.
So, my wonderful Husband who is super hardworking, agreed to come to church before his Sunday shift at Fleet Feet. Awesome! We went, we sat, we prayed and all the while I waited for the kids to loose it. They didn't! BUT, Sunday School was another story...long story short, Meghan was reduced to tears by the end of it and her brother stood tall to protect her. Apparently, one of the girls in the class was having a rough day/week and decided to pick on Meghan. But she said mean and hurtful things and Meghan was crushed. Seann and I tried to help her learn the lesson of forgiveness. At first she didn't want to return but by the following Sunday she was ready to try it again and the week after that too. Colin learned how to forgive and use the stories he has heard for years now to help him in his "real life"
I think that is our "WIN"!
We are far from perfect in our journey to learn about GOD but we are working on it.