Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meghan is in Love!

Meghan has finally found her outlet, I think!

While Colin lives, breathes and eats baseball.  Meghan has tried all kinds of sports;  soccer, creative dance, gymnastics.  She just has never found something she loved.  I mean she LOVES art and we do tons of it.  But we wanted a physical activity for her and while she loves to cheer for her brother t-ball or baseball are a big fat NO in her book!  So when she started asking about ballet, Seann and I started thinking and talking.  Our little bundle of energy would not do well with the discipline of it all, they standing in a position over and over again.  Then lightening struck my hubs!

So, hubs showed her ballet (her age) on you-tube and then some irish dance (again her age).  Her little face lit up and she said that, that's what I want to do!  So then it was my turn to do the leg work to find a class.  I did too!  A beginner class for 3-5 year old, 5 weeks, just enough for her to get a taste but not a huge commitment if they don't love it.

Meghan LOVES it!
She can't wait for the fall when she will get to take more classes and start kindergarten!  So far no pictures but there will be many coming in the future!

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