This beautiful girl is 5!
Meghan came into this world with all the personality that everyone see to this day. She was an answer to my prayers. I had to work so hard to have her, she made me very sick while she grew snug as a bug in my belly. This is after we had been trying for 2 years! She is my mini-me, my baby girl, my love!
The excitement is all over these faces!
I LOVE this picture my Mom took in the waiting room!
Colin was so ready to be a big brother! And he is the best big brother!
Meghan has a BIG personality. It is one of the things I love most about her.
She is growing into an amazing, confident, loving and compassionate young lady.
BUT don't be fooled, she is one of the most stubborn people I know.
(I know, I know, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!)
Meghan has a spirit about her, you can see it in her eyes, her Daddy catches those eyes so well in pictures! She has a free spirit, she wants to try EVERYTHING, go anywhere and do it to the best of her ability. One minute she is a princess, the next she is racing down the driveway to beat her brother to a ball. She plays in dirt and she is very artistic. Then she wants to have afternoon tea! It exhausts this Mama some days! All Meghan wants for her birthday is..."a fake dog", her ears pierced and a sleepover party with the girls from her school...I think she is 12 NOT 5. All 3 things are happening for her. Hey it's not like she asked for a pony! Although if the thought entered her mind she would! So on her special day I took her to get her ears pierced. She opened the one present she has been begging for since Christmas. And this Friday, 5 little girls will be jumping around in my living room with painted wet toes, pizza, pop corn and maybe a little soda!
I can NOT wait to see what this little girl grows up to do with her's going to be an amazing ride and I have the privilege to ride it with her. (I just hope she keeps letting me!)