Happy Easter! It was a wonderful Easter for us this year! Full of worship, baskets, egg hunts, and time with friends! Not to mention the food! We had spring break over Holy Week and took full advantage of the weather we were blessed with! The kids dyed Easter Egg's with their friends, washed the dog/cars, played in the sprinkler, played some baseball, played at local parks, had picnics, rode scooters and Colin even learned to ride a bike(the 2 wheel version)!
Meghan chose a trip to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs. We walked around the National Mall and even took time out to ride the carousel. The smiles were amazing! We took a short detour to a small garden off the Mall (not sure of the name) to take a few pictures, rest and let Caitlyn eat! To finish off the day we drove through Georgetown and had dinner at our favorite little restaurant there, Mr. Smith's.(Open air courtyard with great food!) Colin and Seann were disappointed to find out that the Tera Cotta Warriors exhibit was by ticket only and it was sold out even after being extended for 2 more weeks!
We had a great day at the National Zoo with our Friends too! Good Friday was spent with a million other families at the Zoo. The Cassidy's met us at the entrance and we worked our way through the Zoo. The kids were excited to see the Panda's, Elephants, Gorilla's (baby one too!), Lions, Tigers, Crocodiles, Prairie Dogs, and Zebra's. Lots of walking and VERY little whining! We followed up the Zoo with some time at Meghan's "favorite dinner place", the old 4 P's! There is nothing Chicken n' Fries, Spinach dip and a soda can't fix! Not to mention the LARGE box at our front door when we got home! Easter Goodies from Gram and Papa! The kids used Skype and opened their baskets WITH Gram and Papa! They were so excited!
"This Easter ROCK'S" according to Colin! Their baskets were loaded with candy and goodies! Colin loves Star Wars these days, so his basket had another Lego Star Wars set and some school supplies that were Star Wars themed! Meghan was VERY excited when the Princess and the Frog came out on DVD, so the Movie and the Tiana Barbie doll were in her basket!
We finished up the week with a sleep over with the Cassidy's. Colin and Meghan have been begging to do this for a while but have never made it close to all night! So Seann and I stayed too! The kids learned about a favorite of all the adults that were present...they discovered the fun of a merry-go-round! You know the metal ones we played on when we were kids! Run, try to jump on with-out killing yourself and spin till you get sick or at least can't walk straight! Good times! The grown-ups had just as much fun watching!
We are enjoying the last day of break for the kids hanging around the house while Seann unfortunately has to be in school to gets grades finished and turned in! But there is Baseball practice tonight so there is still fun to look forward to!